Preventative Maintenance
Preventative maintenance to keep your printing equipment healthy
Keep Your Equipment Running At Peak Performance for Longer
Boost Efficiency, Reduce Downtime
Preventative maintenance is an important component for the operational efficiency of your printing equipment, reducing downtime, avoiding costly repairs, enhancing the overall safety of your equipment, and therefore saving money. To get the most out of your equipment it is highly valuable to perform preventative maintenance throughout the life cycle of your printing equipment.
What is Preventative Maintenance?
Preventative maintenance means performing the recommended and required maintenance activities specific to your printing equipment. This can include printhead cleanings, software updates, replacing ink and fluids, changing out filters, and regular inspections of the printer's parts. Every printing equipment has its own unique set of maintenance activities making it crucial to know what is required of your specific equipment.
If you have any questions about preventative maintenance, contact our service department here, and will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have.
Our Preventative Maintenance Consumables
Our preventive maintenance consumables offer an easy solution to keep your printer running at its best and avoid costly repairs. While we do offer fast and local expert service, we want you to avoid all the downsides of your equipment not running at its best.

Clean your ink supply and prevent clogs by replacing your equipment's filters at it's required preventative maintenance schedule. Hitachi has made it simple with an interactive video on the printer screen that is easy to follow. Ink filters can be replaced without the use of tools or a technician, resulting in virtually zero downtime for routine maintenance.

Need To Place An Order?
Contact our Purchasing Department
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Whichever is most convenient for you!